Operation: DUCKS!

Day 1

Chicks are impossible to find. Managed to locate some ducks. Decided to purchase four ducks. Two Pekins. Two mallards. Observation: deceptively cute. Welcome the Suppe Victory Gardens ducklings!

Day 2

Ducklings still cute. Current brooder is a Sterlite bin. A long 2X4 in the corner holds their life sustaining heat lamp. Thermostat functions as intended. Toasty ducklings wonder around. Favorite snack is finely chopped lettuce, floated in water. Unmedicated chick feed makes the bulk of their rations.

Day 5

Weather is unseasonably warm with an almost hot sunlight. Child pen is brought outdoors. Ducklings are under the watchful eye of Cat. Much grass is tasted. Suppe Victory Farms does not apply herbicide or fertilizer to the lawn. Ducklings happily much away. When the cool breeze softly blows, ducklings return to their home inside.

Cat monitors the ducklings

Day 8

Successfully capture photo of having ducks in a row. To archive for future hectic days as proof of having had it together at some time. Ducklings LOVE sloshing water. Target dinner plate seems to contain the splashing. Bedding changes increase in frequency. Observation: why do they never look super cute right after their bedding is fresh?!

Left to right: Pekin, mallard, mallard, pekin. SO. MUCH. POOP.

Day 9

Ducklings’ skill at pooping on walls is unexpected. No one mentions this in all of the flock care books. Captures spicy kick pose. Again cannot believe that with all of the cleaning, cute photo ops are always BEFORE cleaning, never seem to be afterwards.

Sassy duckling pose. Maybe hot new exercise trend

Day 13

Report; Ducklings are HUGE! Nothing seems to grow faster than ducks. Only one can quack so far, and the feathers are starting to show. Wings are smaller than anticipated.